Monday 11 May 2009

The Big Art Project

I found it very interesting recently that the art world is merging into some of the mainstrream media, where it has not done before.
The new show on Channel 4 "The Big Art Project" is something of a rarity.It seems quite strange to me that there can be a series focusing on art to breach amedia source that concentrates on an audience that is stereotypically opposed to the notion.
Most shows on the TV station are; cookery, comedy, film and documentary (mainly health).So it is therefore interesting to see how a morally different program will farewhen put in the hands of an unfamiliar audience.

What i do like about the program is that it is focusing on the very issues that we are discussing at the moment,namely how the public reacts with artwork. They explore speciallymade sculpture trails and assertain what effect the pieces of public work have over everyday lives and what the public really enjoy, aesthetically. No dout it will be intriguing to discover the results as it could enlighten a great many practices within the current art domain.

Alternative environment

Now that i had begun to start realising everyday sculpture alot more i decided to experiment alittle with some of my own work in surroundings that were away from the studio. As my sculptural plans are kept within a book i opted to bring them into viewby tryin them out in the environment of pulic space in Leeds.
For example, in the above pictures got a photo of the War Memorial monument in the city centre and photoshopped one of my own desiigns in the statue's place.

This gave me great scope asto how my blueprints could be actively applied to another audience (namely the general public) and ow this might fare in alternate environments. The Narcissus plan is suddenly sketched onto the existing monument to givea feel of what it might look like. Since the current piece (of an angel) is fictional/mythological i felt thtmy piece would work quite well there as it is of the same basic subject matter.

Wednesday 6 May 2009

Public Artwork

On my journeys around home over easter i came to the realization that there is an absolutely gargantuan amount of sculpture and artwork in front of our eyes everyday, and just because it is not in the settings of the gallery we dismiss it or delegate it less significance.

For instance, on my frequent runs i came across so many different quirky, little ornaments and statues in gardens and houses of residence. Garden gnomes are a prime example. Pond features and gateway markers are also brilliant examples of disposable artwork.

I suppose it just struck me how many examples of this there are out there and how the are simply glazed over. Whilst less effort is probably put into them and they are (many of them) mass produced, they are still sculptures. So i decided to see how plans of mine would look in similar situations. If my statue designs were brought out of my book and put into this environment.