Monday 11 May 2009

Alternative environment

Now that i had begun to start realising everyday sculpture alot more i decided to experiment alittle with some of my own work in surroundings that were away from the studio. As my sculptural plans are kept within a book i opted to bring them into viewby tryin them out in the environment of pulic space in Leeds.
For example, in the above pictures got a photo of the War Memorial monument in the city centre and photoshopped one of my own desiigns in the statue's place.

This gave me great scope asto how my blueprints could be actively applied to another audience (namely the general public) and ow this might fare in alternate environments. The Narcissus plan is suddenly sketched onto the existing monument to givea feel of what it might look like. Since the current piece (of an angel) is fictional/mythological i felt thtmy piece would work quite well there as it is of the same basic subject matter.

1 comment:

  1. It might be interesting to go into detail into how the image you have posted could actually be constructed. Talk to technicians, other artists etc. start costing materials up, make a maquette, a small section to scale in order to test materials etc Would you cost having someone to make it for you see for the typical site of this type of jobbing artist. The actual project could be an unrealised public sculpture.
