Saturday 28 March 2009


After having a chat with fellow students and Rory Macbeth, there was a new light in my work that i was able to see and some clear steps to attaining a finished project. Having been told before that a lot of my work conducts itself well in books and collected forms, i came to realise this notion.
So i have been sketching. I think the messier the better and the more unfinished works are some of those that i prefer. If they look incomplete, yet remain collated in a book then it gives the illusion that they are valuable and the thinking behind this imaginary sculpture.

In principle i am conning my audience into believing an ideal with me. They may add value to my quick sketches and blueprints, due to the fact that they are in such a precious book. So i may need to put a lot of work into making the holder quite professional-seeming. Indeed think i shall play around with handmade and pristine books to guage audience reactions from my peers.

I will start to look at how other artists' books have been presented and other practitioners who have played on this idea.
It was interesting to notice that when the crit chat was happenning that my less-neat drawings were favoured. The othres were said to be too precious-looking. So there was already a pre-determined sense of what the sketches should be. Which is a public opinion, but one that i already held myself.

1 comment:

  1. I might be useful to go down to the Vernon Street Library and ask to look through the artists book collection they have. Try and remember to think about the audience issues as well as your own practice.
